Move Along. Nothing New Here.

It’s been a while since I posted.  About a year, to be exact.  I have a major ongoing project that I won’t be blogging about, and there is not much else going on, hence the long silence.

But I actually did something today.  Now don’t get your hopes up, it’s pretty minor.  Absolutely no original thinking at all went in to this (not by me, anyway).  All the thought behind this happened at a place called Crucible Tool, run by several smart and generous woodworkers. I was monitoring another process that couldn’t be left unattended in the garage, so I was twiddling my thumbs, looking for something to do for about 30 minutes.

As luck would have it, I had just stumbled upon a guide to making your own Curved Card Scraper.  That Schwarz guy will sometimes write something that will stir me from my natural lethargy and get me moving.  This was such a time.  I printed out the pattern, traced it on an existing card scraper, and started grinding.  I used a CBN wheel, which grinds cool, so it was done in 10 minutes or so.  Then I spent about 30 minutes honing the edges with diamond stone and waterstones.  A little burnishing, and I had a hook that wouldn’t quit.

A simple but elegant modification that adds value. That’s my kind of thing. Uh…actually it’s Crucible Tool’s thing. I’m just following directions.

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